In-person new student registration:

Time:   8/12/23  1 pm- 3pm

Address: 8070 Pasadena Blvd., Pembroke Pines, FL 33024

If you have questions, please call 954-538-1172

新生請於 8/12/23 下午 1點至3點, 親自至本校註冊,有任何問題歡迎電話詢問:954-538-1172。


Culture Class / 人文課

Speech Contest / 靜思語比賽

Field Day / 運動會

Year End Blessing / 歲末祝福

Chinese New Year / 新春遊園闖關

Last day of school / 結業典禮

ABOUT US /關於我們

In 2013, the Tzu Chi Academy in Miami was established as the 23rd Tzu Chi Academy in the United States. The academy began as a Chinese class to help children of Chinese-speaking parents, many who were Tzu Chi volunteers, learn Chinese. Through years of growing demand and the desire to foster children’s character, the academy became the school we know as Tzu Chi Academy, Miami today.

More than 4,500 students are enrolled across 25 Tzu Chi Academies in the United States. Our current curricula of character education is inspired by Tzu Chi’s main mission: to bring compassion and relief in the face of suffering. To encourage this compassion and the spirit of giving, we know that it is fundamental for children to learn these formative, humanistic lessons at a young age. So, in addition to language lessons that allow students to reconnect with their heritage as well as academic enrichment, we are reinforcing positive character traits and preparing young minds for an increasingly globalized world all at the same time.

All Tzu Chi Academy teachers are experienced individuals dedicated to and passionate about the positive development and growth of all our students. They, along with support staff and administrators, strive to establish an atmosphere of warmth, welcome, and kindness. Parents are encouraged to join the classroom experience, too, and be present as positive role models as their time allows.

邁阿密慈濟人文學校成立於 2013 年,是全美第 23 所慈濟人文學校。人文學校的前身為慈濟青少年團中文班,原為服務志工子女而設,之後為了教育更多的孩子,將慈濟善種往下紮根乃成立慈濟人文學校。




Jing Si Aphorisms

Our character education lessons are also deeply rooted in the teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen. We make use of her Jing Si Aphorisms, short quotes that demonstrate positive morals, and often use visual aids, storytelling, and interactive activities to teach them.



Humanistic Culture

We also offer enrichment via humanistic education. These include any range of courses from Chinese language, environmental protection, sign language, and folk arts, to education about Tzu Chi.


為落實證嚴上人以大愛為本的全方位人格教育,人文學校安排豐富有趣並美化人生的人文藝術課程,以充實學生的生活內容,並增進其語文學習的興趣。 內容有環保、慈濟歌選手語教學、靜思故事、 剪紙、 繪畫、 中國童玩與教聯會提供的人文課及食衣住行篇等。

HIRING /誠徵中文老師


(954)538-1172 留言或電郵 [email protected]


Tzu Chi Academy, Miami
Email: [email protected]

Class Location 上課地點:
8070 Pasadena Blvd, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
Hours: every Saturday 2:00 PM to 5:30
(只限於上課時間,週六下午 2:00~5:30)
